
02 January 2022

Endings or Beginnings

 My Mother died in 2015.  On 23 July to be precise.  She was born 02 January 1936.  I woke up this morning feeling excited. Wasn’t sure why.  Then I opened my eyes.  I was in the room she’d occupied for 20 years and my excitement faded. 

I pondered this for a few minutes.  Thought perhaps she’d visited me in my dream. Nope.  I set it aside for a bit and went about my usual morning routine.  Well, not usual, as I’d woken up at 0514 or some such moment.  A bit of a disappointment when I looked at my clock to see what time it was. 

I have been up at 2, 2:30, 3 or sometimes my alarm set at 0400 will waken me.  Not today though.  I discovered a short while later, when I’d had to go get my phone cause I was expecting a message, that it had been shut off. 

I shook my head.  It had shut off whilst I was talking on the phone to my sister, so I needed to recharge it.  I shut it off again for some reason or another and thus my dilemma at being woken late.  

Now why is this so important?  Why, you ask, do I have to be up by 4?  And not just any other time, 4 o’clock in the morning, precisely on the dot?  

Why, this is the time I have decided upon to take the new medication, I was so graciously informed by my physician, that’s instrumental in maintaining the delicate nature of my body’s ability to keep me in the lifestyle to which I have struggled mightily to obtain. 

My disappointment hinges on the fact that this medication cannot be interfered with by anything containing Vitamin D.  Which vitamin I have been prescribed by another of my doctors, the one who is directing my struggle to maintain my current lifestyle.  This particular vitamin cannot be taken for four, 4, niiwin, quatros, hours either side of ingesting this medicine. 

Since my breakfast usually contains some ingredient containing said vitamin, I console myself with coffee, tea or water with my non-buttered toast.  I do not live within easy reach of those places that cater to breakfasts of donuts, long johns, croissants or even the dreaded oatmeal cookies.  I dread oatmeal cookies cause I must consume those with the obligatory glass of milk. Yep. Lactose intolerance dictates less of those too.

I have discovered that vitamin D is added to a great deal of the foods we eat whether we realize it or not. 

This explains my disappointment cause I look forward to the 8th hour of whatever current day I happen to wake up on time for. 

But not why I woke up feeling excited.  Least not til I was over on that usual haunt I check out daily. That’s when it hit me. 

January 2, Mom’s birthday.  I’d usually take her out to the casino on her birthday. 

Some habits take long to change. 

Egg Nog: my son's first attempt.