17 November 2011


The past two weeks have been very busy ones. Exciting, exhilarating, downcast, infuriating. Life during NaNo is really hectic. Plus my third favorite haunt has had some very tough achievements to attain. {spoiled a lot of dishes in a timed event.} Then, there were days when I didn't emerge from my abode, much less my writing room. Then today, I got some great news. I've been asked to submit an article or two to our local newspaper which goes out to Bandmembers all over the country. The editor is going to do a feature article on my writing for next month. Yes! Just based on my blog posting.

The other thing is the video I've been working on featuring pictures I took during my ramble around the Grand Canyon. Man, that sure is some beautiful country. I worked on a script of sorts and have managed to fine tune some of the photos. The entire video is 10 minutes long. I had to pick a limit and that helped in the selection of all the great photos. Once this is finished, the video/slideshow will be embedded in our Tribal website.

The giveaway details are still being worked out. I have recipe for traditional fry bread, a wild rice hotdish and a gift certificate at Amazon. There is an item that I need to check for legalities.

Computer stuff again. The date scheduler for posting is off. Don't know how to reset it. keeps wanting to post a year and a half from now. Wonder if that means the apocalypse foretold by umpteem million seers is not what they think it is. Hmm.

Joy of joys, all I had to do was hit the save button. Well, there it is. I've been checking on the NaNo special at Smashwords. Might post a short excerpt. Oh and today is the Vet's Dinner at the RTC. My father is being interviewed for a TV documentary. Much happenings during this NaNo month. Seems to be like that every year.