While driving on trips to the grocery store {located about 40 miles away as opposed to the C-store located 1/2 mile away} I've seen many amazing sights and watched many amazing drivers. While there is one road into, or out of, the village, there are about 8 different routes one can take to get to town starting seven miles out. To use seven of those routes, you need to know the country or you'll end up lost.
As one may expect, there is the variety of wildlife and nature that comes from living out in the boondocks. Along with those are the occasional hiker, biker and ATV enthusiast. Some of those sights I wish I had my camera along as I sometimes forget it or else forgot to charge the battery. Well, today {12 July or thereabouts as I've been incapacitated for a couple weeks}, I read a blog where she talked about trying to capture such moments by sending herself postcards with notes on them. She concluded by saying that maybe it's best to keep some moments in memory. I agree with this conclusion as memories can take the sorts of routes as it does for me to get to town for groceries. {by the way, I think that link was at a site that I had registered for and now don't have the link.}
By the time I am finished with the little sidetrips and backtracks, I make it to the main route and then traffic is much heavier and faster and one needs to concentrate more on what one is doing due to those amazing drivers. Some of the more daring of them are looked upon as "those crazy city drivers" as they pass in areas where they think they have a great view and then find it was a blind hill, a spot in the road where it dips enough that one can't see a vehicle is there and none of the usual "no passing" signs or lines. Meanwhile, I drive with my foot hovering near the brake and ready to head for the side of the road. Duhh.
In case you're wondering, I have limited my city driving to absolutely necessary ones. Of course, by city driving, I am referring to "the twin cities" as that is the one I absolutely do not care to drive in. I can drive in the Twin Ports as I am more familiar with that area. So, while driving in the city I am, of course, referred to as "the country bumpkin" as my speeds are within the posted limits. Besides all that, I am, like most Native Americans, a landmark person. And I have not lived in the Twin City area for many, many moons and so am not familiar with the landmarks anymore. Besides, my shotgun rider is usually rubbernecking and not helping with the various lookout duties as expected and therefore cannot be depended upon to help spot any dangers or missed freeway exits or entrances. Well, you get the idea.
Now, what does all this convoluted rambling on have to do with sending postcards? Nothing, even though I pass one or two post offices on my way to town. I just agree with the conclusion that it's best to keep some moments in memory since trips down memory lane are mostly good for me.