Now, don't get me wrong. I do appreciate all the work they do, charging around on those white horses and all, and some even have paladin status. What I'd like them to take into consideration is that most people do not fit into that nice little two parent, two children household who can afford one computer or other handheld device per person.
My household consists of one to ten people. Friends come over to visit, play games and generally socialize. We eat, drink and do chores. We check on each other, get on each others nerves and have fun together. This attitude carries over to the net. There, the circle gets much bigger as my tribe considers clan just as important as family/Band.
What does this have to do with multiple accounts? Well, my particular handy dandy protector comes with a family version and I think this is what they are running into problems with. One computer, multiple users. I have limited that to five out of the possible 50 in my immediate family. Therefore, the dark side and certain paladins understand the dynamics of the world's social networking much better than do the white knights. The dark side takes ruthless advantage of this until they are finally caught and dealt with.
That leaves those of us who have usage stats that fit "patterns of {what was that again?} paying the piper for the dance we weren't invited to.