You know those kind of days when everything is going just great. Wham, you get knocked for a loop? Today was one of those days. Sometimes, it's best to just shut down before the situation gets worse. Noooooh, that doesn't happen when one is bound up tighter than a drumstick. The Circle of Life just goes faster and faster until it seems you can't keep up to the beat any longer.
Life is crazy that way sometimes. That's when it's hard to slow down, take five and reconnoiter the situation. Thanks to friends this is possible when one least expects it. Once in a while, Someone has to knock you upside the head to get your attention. Luckily, for me, those knocks upside the head aren't as hard as they used to be. And once in a while you get a swift kick in the ...ahhh....shins under the table.
Life seems especially, shall I say, mischievous long bout the time I don't expect it. If I didn't know that the gr..m..ns were on their way to train for this years tournament, I'd say they had a hand in things. Might have been during their winter boredom that they thought up this plan in painstaking detail that would be a cause for their smirking delight on their summer travels. They managed to keep this from the brownies who usually inform me in one fashion or another of any such works they might stumble upon in their daily rounds of this abode in which we all live.
Yep, I can see the G's slapping their knees with a resounding smack that echoes back to my poor little birdbrain spinning round and round as my feet go faster and faster. that? Yep. It's the sound of the drum overshadowing those G's antics. Yes, that beat is a match for the maniacal laughter emanating from those toothy little faces. There, the drum is slowing down. I don't hear that laughter anymore.
The drum is slowing down. My feet and mind are matching the drum and not the G's. I can hear other voices once again: my family, my friends, my Protector, the drum. Ahhh. Can think again. Can breathe again. Can see again. I can dance in the Circle of Life once again with the same surefootedness that's brought me thus far along this path that I have chosen. {a far cry from the original I was going to post. It pays to take five, ten. heck three hours. Thank you father for that bit of wisdom you'd shout with glee while heading for the closest office containing the current favorite of the snacks available midmorning, noon, midafternoon and anytime you felt we needed a break-usually when the bosses all left.}