The past few days has begun to feel like winter's end is near. I was clearing off the roof a couple days ago with my son. I found myself talking with a crow who was laughing while I was working. Boing! It hit me. A crow. My heart lifted and I promptly felt much better, even while contemplating the 2 1/2 feet of snow I had just pulled down on the porch.
My son had taken over the roof where I couldn't reach and he just smiled. The winter wind doesn't feel as bitter as it did. Some of the snow melt created big patches of ice and now the rock salt is getting a work out. hee. My son came home from his sojourn among the city people and finished the boardwalk. Yes. It is spring.
Ahhh, spring. Days of making rivers and watching the water run to the street. Wet feet. Wet mittens. Wet clothes. Hmm. Wonder if I can get the snowman built finally.
So far, we're still in the hurry up and wait portion of the healing process for Mom. Father is better, had a slight relapse and ended back in the hospital. It wasn't as scary as the first time. He may be home today, depends on if he eats his spinach. Or is that broccoli. Might even be cauliflower. Remembering the days he used to make us eat our vegetables. Now, he's the one who needs those.
Nephew has been over for the past week. Friday, after school, he tried to climb the big snow bank left in the yard. He sunk before getting four steps up. We contemplated that snow bank on Saturday. However, I, thanks to my sister's gift of the "Over the Hill" cup, I reluctantly admitted defeat. Still, the snow pile sits there, in all it's glory, challenging all and sundry, to get to the top.